Friday, January 04, 2008

public library sabatical

I am taking a break from the public library for the rest of January.  Why, you ask?  Because I consistently check out far more books that I possibly have time to read, put them on the coffee table for the 3 weeks check-out period, then rush to read them before they are due, or renew them for several more 3-week intervals.  At one time I had 17 books checked out, with various due dates strewn across my calendar.  Not only that, but I belong to Paper Back Swap and have only read fully one book I've received since this summer, because I keep distracting myself with library books.  So, after I finish the one remaining book I have checked out, I will not visit the Omaha Public Library until February 1, or until I've finished all my PBS books, whichever comes first (the former is most likely).  Tonight I returned 3 books, only one of which I had completed.  The other two were great books that I'd love to just isn't going to happen soon and I'd had them both since early November.  They will go on my to-read list and I'll look them up again this summer...