Saturday, October 17, 2009

time is not on my side

Am feeling very crunched for personal time lately. Mostly due to cramming in hours at work (for the sake of building up extra hours, not for any particularly urgent tasks). I used up all my sick time for surgery/recovery time back in May and have been struggling every since with time-off hours. Even after work, between school and other people's crap I am just not doing enough stuff for me! Mainly, I'm being whiny and selfish, but every one should once in a while, right? (Just agree with me - it'll be better for all of us.) IF I had free time (this theoretical day when the Jr. League yearbook is behind me, all of my homework is caught up, and I'm not working on 6 costumes - yes, really, SIX - here are some things I want to try!
But first, the Husker game calls. Then dress rehearsal for the Little Hafla of Horrors. Then a paper on an Integrated Library System vendor (oh joy!). Someday, time will be on my side. Just not this weekend! :)