Here I am, over another month between posts. Sigh… This semester (and trimester) have been busy, to say the least. But fortunately, things have been winding down a bit. My Jr. League engagements for this “year” (through May) are done, and one of my three classes wrapped up this weekend. I dropped out of my public library volunteer shifts for the time being – not because of being tired, but because my summer practicum starts this week and I figured 8-9 hours a week at the library would be enough.
In the past two weeks, I’ve had enough free time to read my own books AND do a bit of crafty-sewing. I just finished reading “It Sucked and I Cried” by Heather B. Armstrong. I’d recommend it to anyone who’s pregnant or just needs a good laugh. This poor woman’s pregnancy was horrific enough to make mine seem like a dream… which it has been, really… so far.
One weekend afternoon even left me with enough time to refashion a Goodwill t-shirt and a onesie outgrown by a friend's baby into these:
I’ve also starting… dun, dun, da... nesting. Or whatever you called frantically tossing all my clothing into a donation box so I can make room for the invader that intends to take over my crafting space. So far, I’ve set aside 3 tubs of clothes for the Jr. League My Closet resale boutique, 1 large box for the Goodwill, and several tubs for storage… I probably don’t need to store them. I should probably let them go too, but it’s really really hard for me to part with clothing. Also put a bunch of stuff on Freecycle, and ended up scoring some free maternity clothing. Exactly what I need right now because none of my shorts fit, and apparently another symptom of pregnancy is the urge to shop a lot. Totally not like me!
Today's highlights have so far included a trip to the farmer's market with my mommy (the first market of the season - yea!), and some shopping. I bought jewelry; she bought me maternity clothes. Then home for the first tomato sandwich of the year...and the second. Sure, it's not a "real summer tomato" but it'll do. Now I'm searching for salsa or salad recipes to rid myself of all the radishes and green onions I just bought. Maybe this salsa, or this salad dressing...
I love spring...