Monday, August 20, 2007

One of THOSE weekends

Exhausted on Monday, as usual.  It was a busy weekend, mostly good, some definitely bad.  My poor baby-dog was still sick on Friday afternoon when I got home.  To add insult to injury, the DH and decided to finish the dog’s haircut (it’s starting to become a two-day project – he squirms and whines too much) then give him a bath.  Then he threw up again.  It quickly became a low-key stay-at-home kind of night, watching movies on the couch and following Ryker around with a towel in case he yacked on anything else.  

My parents showed up later that night and we all woke bright and early to head to a charity fun-run.  Yes, we are one of those silly families that goes to road races for fun! J  This one wasn’t bad – it was the 2-year anniversary of the first race my now-husband/then-new-fiancé had ever done.  Plus my sister and nephew joined us and we got to check out the Lincoln Farmer’s Market.  Wow, what a selection!  Heirloom tomatoes and a rainbow of peppers like you wouldn’t believe; the Old Market FM doesn’t carry this much variety.  It was hard to comparison shop, but I got a great deal on multiple pounds of peaches and nectarines, plus some peppers, onions, an odd cucumber, raspberries, and some ground lamb.  We sampled salsas, fruit butters, fish, root beer, and ostrich meat.  

Saturday night started off good, as we headed out for ML’s birthday party, but ended poorly – the DH and I got into an argument at the bar, effectively ruining any fun I’d been having.  I won’t go into details, but neither of us was happy until the next day…we’ve made up.  As usual, we tried to find the positive aspects of this fight – what things we could use to make our relationship stronger, as well as what NOT to do during a fight!  Oh, well – all’s well that ends well, and hopefully ML is not too grumpy with us for staging the whole thing during her bar crawl… J

Sunday was a bit more relaxed.  I did yard work, finished Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (I highly recommend it!), and worked on a new Wardrobe Refashion project while waiting for ML to come over.  We went out for sushi to celebrate her actual birthday as well as the fact that she passed her Roller Derby skills assessment!  Woo-hoo- way to go!