Monday, July 21, 2008

CSA week 3

I picked up ML’s and my 3rd CSA order on Saturday.  The deliveries are getting progressively better.  The first week’s box was a little scant, last week turned up some yummy beets and more Swiss chard, along with onions, potatoes, mulberries etc.  This week yielded 2 bunches each of heirloom carrots, beets, 2 kinds of onions, potatoes.  I was really excited about the carrots – much more than is normal for any sane person, I’m sure.  There were purple carrots!  C’mon, how cool is that!  J 

Fortunately there was no chard this week.  I’m a little tired of greens at this point, after 2 weeks of Swiss chard and the co-op kale.  I make potato-kale gratin the week before and finished up the kale (which was surprisingly fresh-looking after almost 2 weeks.  Scary.) by baking it into a cornbread stuffing dish, and used the Swiss chard  in some mashed potatoes.  Mmm…comfort food. J

Other than all this produce-inspired fun, it was another busy weekend.  After a luxurious day off from work on Friday (carpooling is leaving me with far too many hours on the clock), the DH and I headed to the Bellevue Little Theatre to see the Great American Trailer Park Musical.  Yes, I drug my husband to a musical.  He survived.  I thought it was great!  A very talented cast and some extremely adult content. 

Saturday morning was the CSA pickup and farmer’s market, followed by 30 minutes of cruising through Benson trying to find the Benson Plant Rescue sale with my mom.  It was worth the effort – we drove away with 10 large flowing shrubs (roses, daisies, etc) and some smaller plants for under $40.  Hopefully it rains again soon, so I can get them in the ground!

Saturday night, Diva Soma put on a spectacular show at the Shark Club.  It was unusual because most of our dances were brand new – very few repeats, which was nice.  I had a new solo, which I felt went smoothly and despite one of our best dancers being out sick, we pulled off some group dances very well.  After the show, the DH and I headed over to a local music venue to catch a couple of bands with his friends…but we got home early enough to get a good rest in, and we got an early start on Sunday.  Wanting to catch the pre-noon matinee of the new Batman movie, we awoke early and took off for a run around Lake Zorinsky.  Phew.  I’m glad we went when we did – it was a hot humid morning before 10 a.m.  Summer is definitely here.

Well, here’s to the start of another busy week (raising coffee mug).  Amongst the usual array of meetings and rehearsals, the DH is celebrating his 5th year as a licensed pharmacist.  Whoo-hoo!  I couldn’t be more proud.  Congrats, honey!