Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back to reality

Well, the wedding went beautifully, the honeymoon was incredible, and the thank-yous have long since been mailed...and now I have returned to reality and the every day business of being married. So far, so good. Well, probably far better for me than for my darling husband. While he's been an absolute model for all married men, I've been somewhat of a witch - bitchy and emotional. A tad bit of "wedding post-partum" I guess, which I've read to be quite common. It's starting to subside, thank goddess. :)
What else has been going on...let me reflect...Oh, Lowell was sent to Phoenix for a week for a pharmacy seminar - he's going to be one of the few local compounding pharmacists. So far I've gathered that this mean he gets to make custom drugs for patients, which not only opens up a huge market for his company, but should also translate into substantial job security. :)
I attended a Gothic Bellydance workshop in Lincoln a couple of weeks ago. It was hosted by the lovely women of Basharaat and the instructor was Tempest - on tour with her husband and cat. It was awesome, but completely scary. Not scary in the fact that I was so obviously not Goth (the only blonde in the room - at least I had the sense to wear black!), but in that Tempest made us dance by ourselves in front of everyone for some of the exercises. Eek! Improv is not my strong point and solo improv is the most terrifying thing I can do. But pathetic as I was, I did it and I'm sure it helped me grow as a dancer, blah, blah, blah.
I did feel slightly more Goth when I popped Tempest's new DVD in the player and watched her performance pieces - the first of which was done to the exact song that my friend Maeve Lyonessa and I are dancing a duet to for our Halloween show. :) We'll be a couple of dark and dramatic (but still happy) little goddesses...