Thursday, August 02, 2007

Local Food Month Wrap-up

Well, August is here, and Local Food Month is officially over.  Not that I’m running to the imported section of the grocery store anytime soon or anything…

I’d say overall it was a fairly fun and successful month of local eating.  I didn’t make it to the farmers market every weekend, as I took a couple of road trips, but I did explore a couple of different farmers markets around town, as well as roadside stands, and my DH even got into the act with a local cantaloupe surprise.  Ooh, and our garden is bursting with zucchinis and tomatoes now, so much that we’re almost a little sick of them!  (Almost…) 

For the most part, I was able to limit myself to local meat, veggies, dairy, and bread.  This wasn’t the case on either of my roadtrips, nor so much when my mother visited, or we went to brunch with the in-laws, but as those occassions were intended to be fun I didn’t jump up on my local food soapbox and lecture everyone…

One of the best moments during LFM was talking to the founder of the Village Point Farmer’s Market while I was helping out at our Junior League HIP Kids booth.  Here a great (ugh!) photo of me at the booth.  This gentleman was one of the most enthusiastic promoters of the locavore lifestyle that I’ve ever talked to in person.  He was so excited to hear about LFM and went running back to the main booth to bring me magazines, fridge magnets and other resources.  

Another great moment was eating the first cherry tomato out of the garden.  Wow!  I’m not usually a fan of plain tomotoes, preferring them to mix with other flavors, but this was unbelievably good!

I’m completely sold on the locavore diet.  Thanks for the challenge, Crunchy Chicken!